Monday 13 February 2012

Candy Striper Baby Quilt

Let me start this off by saying that I'm not a pink person. If I were to make myself a quilt it would be blue or green (as evidenced by the green quilt on my bed). This is why I like making quilts for other people so that I can try new color combos and do something that I wouldn't normally do for myself. Introducing the Candy Striper Quilt (every time I go to write that I have to stop myself from typing STRIPPER) for my cousin who is soon going to be welcoming her first child.

I started off with the cute backing fabric and matched the front colors from there (that stripe that looks yellow actually matches the green on the back pretty well. Just bad lighting in the photo). It turned out pretty well and probably went the smoothest so far which is good because it was on a very short timeline.

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